The form of desire of the royal form is name, honor and glory.

But those who serve behind the name, their name is given for a short time, that they are very serviceable, but the name of the one who serves on the basis of the name in the higher position is left behind. Because the fruit was eaten raw, not ripe at all. Just did service, just got name - so it is unripe fruit. I should get respect as a result of service, this is not respect but pride.

When there is a sense of belonging, then there is worry. When God has handed over to the Father, then the Father will know and the Father's work will be known.

If the balance or speed of self-effort or service is sometimes low, it is because you consider yourself to be a doer instead of a doer.

Don't be afraid of obstacles. If you are making an idol, then hammers will definitely be used. If the lesson of nothing new is firm, then there will be obstacles.

 One strength - one is the sign of trust - you will be happy, it will not take effort.

If Maya comes even while doing service, while being in remembrance, then there must be some deficiency in service or remembrance.

Now, even by mistake, don't let this word come out of your mouth - this is my sanskar.  You call Ravan's rituals mine, it's amazing...!  Ravana is called the enemy, making the enemy's treasure your own - this is surprising...! *The debt of Ravan is - old thoughts, sanskars, nature. This makes debt vulnerable. Finish this debt in a second, it is old, alien - with this one determination.*

You are the children of the Master of all treasures. Father's treasures are my treasures. So, the more full you are, the more full things are, they never come into upheaval.  Even if it is a little empty, there is upheaval.  So always full means always constant, no upheaval. The intellect can never become fickle. To be under the influence of any vice means to have an inconstant intellect. He is unshakeable and will always be unshakeable.

As if it has become a habit that I am the body.  It is wrong, it is wrong. But when the habit becomes firm, it does not forget even if it wants to forget. In fact, your form should also be as firm as this. The occupation of the body is remembered even in dreams. If someone is a lawyer, a businessman - then he does not forget. The occupation of Brahmin life that I am a hero actor should be firm and natural. So check whether there is such a natural life...?

If the children have weak sanskars, then to burn them means to make them sanskars. You don't want the old sanskar to come, but it comes by mistake. What to do...?  Do you think like this? What do you do if something given to someone comes to you by mistake?  Do you take care of it?  So even if it comes, don't keep it in your heart because *the Father is sitting in your heart.* If it comes by mistake, just say 'Baba, Baba' from your heart..., that's it. There will be a dot.

The things which the people of the world call difficult, those things are not easy for you elevated souls, but they are very easy. Because you are master almighty. Humans of the world understand, how will this happen...?  How means question mark… So instead of how, the sound should emerge that it happens like this….  Like this means full stop. What was yesterday and what is today...! There is a great difference. Yesterday you used to say Oh God and today instead of Oh, you say oh. Oh sweet Baba...!  Not God, but Baba. Father was found near from far away.

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