
Whenever you get angry by mistake, even against your will, just say the words 'sweet Baba' from your heart, then those who have courage will definitely get extra help from the Father. Say sweet baba, don't just say baba, then you will get help, definitely because you have set a goal, haven't you...!  So, the symptoms have to come from the goal.

If the jewels of knowledge keep moving in the intellect at all times, if the contemplation of knowledge goes on, then it will not go in vain.

As are the sanskars, so will be the form.  Sanskars are simple, sweet, so they come in the form of sanskars. So, when the sanskars become equal to BapDada's, everyone will be able to see BapDada's form.  Just like BapDada..., the same qualities, the same words, the same thoughts should be there.  Then it will come out of everyone's mouth, it seems only they...!  The face will be different, the character will be the same.  But Sirat should come in face.

Always remember that the hand of God's help, that is, cooperation, is always on your head.

I' - How many times do you say the word I...?  I said this, I will do this, I think this.  So do this practice - whenever the word I comes, bring the original form in front - who am I?  Am I soul or so-and-so...?  When I say I remember the original formless form, it becomes natural.  This lesson is easy isn't it...?  So get used to it. Thought 'I', and the incorporeal form comes to mind.

Because of body-pride or because of any weakness, what is the result? You have experienced this many times.  After becoming experienced, you get cheated again, so what would such a person be called...?  This proves that you don't always move knowing your greatness yourself. You leave the seat of your self-respect and come down again and again. So, always stay on your seat, let your self-respect remain in your awareness.

No matter how big the task may be, consider it as if the dancer is dancing and you are dancing. So, you will not get tired, you will not get confused, you will remain ever-happy.

Those who always sit on the immortal throne and do their work, they get happiness as well as power.

The more detached you are, the more you will be loved by God, you will automatically experience Shiv Baba's love and this divine love will become your umbrella. What can anyone do to the one on whom the divine umbrella is...!  That's why be proud that we are going to live under the canopy of God. There is no pride, but there is spiritual pride. Where there is sparkle, there cannot be any disturbance. Either there is worry or there is pride. Both are not together.

The one who molds himself in every situation is the real gold.

Knowledge means understanding, and the one who knows how to understand, erase and transform is called sensible.

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