
Even if the speechless souls of the world turn aside, you are alone, then what will happen?  Say, *I am not alone, the Supreme Soul Father is with me.*

Together with the form of love, the form of power should be merged.  To just become an embodiment of love has become worldly. The supernaturalness is that, along with being an embodiment of love, you are also an embodiment of power.  That's why the last scene of the powerful form has been shown as 'Nashtomoha Smriti-Swaroop'. The more extreme affection (love), the more extreme attachment.  So what did you see in the last paper?  Inspite of having affection (love), you are an embodiment of destructive attachment.  This last paper is also remembered in the form of a memorial, it was shown by doing this practical work (Brahma Baba). Seeing the corporeal relationship in front, he saw the power to accept and the power to tolerate - this is the form of both the powers.  On the one hand, to merge affection (love), on the other hand, to finish the karmic account of the last with the power of tolerance. To tolerate as well as to tolerate - the form of both is in action.

Maya cannot come in front of the one who stays with the Father. While always remaining engrossed in unwavering love for the Father, keep moving forward.  This unwavering remembrance alone will solve all problems, make you a flying bird and take you to the flying stage. While remaining seated on BapDada's heart-throne, always remain intoxicated that you have a right every cycle. 

Since you can influence the world, can you not influence the close ones? Be such an easy yogi (sant) that, on seeing you, others feel yoga.

One is to be stable in the stage of direct destruction of sins and to destroy sins with full force.  The second way is, to the extent that you keep your intellect busy with the power of pure thoughts or the power of contemplation, filling your intellect with this, the previous one will automatically come out. There are two methods of destruction of sins and filling of power.

One is - first taking out everything and then filling... the other is - taking out after filling.  If you don't have the courage to empty it, then by filling the second one, the first one will automatically end.

If you always keep it in your mind that this is the last moment, not the last birth, it is the last moment, by remembering this you will not remember anyone else.

Always have zeal and enthusiasm.  It makes even the storm a gift. He makes you experience an exam or a problem as entertainment.

If you always remember your elevated fortune, then you are as valuable as a diamond and if you forget, then you are like a stone.

 To be in love with the Supreme Soul Father means to be bodiless easily.

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