Always remember - I am a servant of the earth. 'I did' - No..., God made me do it. With this one awareness, easily finish the seed of all obstacles for all time.
*The seed of all kinds of obstacles is in two words - pride and disrespect. *Special obstacles in the field of service come from these two paths. Either "I did" - this pride... and the feeling of humiliation comes in the form of different obstacles...! When he is the servant of God, he is the father of Karan Karavanhar, then it is a small mistake, isn't it...! That is why it is said that *"Don't separate God"*... Always remember the combined form - God and service.
The one with whom there is love..., he is an unbroken yogi who follows the rituals of love. Nowadays, even the great souls who are called, their names are also Akhandanand. But you are the unbroken form in all, aren't you...! Unbroken even in joy, unbroken even in happiness - are you unbroken in all? Don't just get into bad company, others, seeing and listening to other's demerits - don't care…. So, with this specialty, you can become an unbroken yogi. If someone falls in bad company or sees bad qualities, then the yoga is broken. One who is not an unbroken yogi cannot be worshipped. If the yoga is broken, then you will be worshiped for a short time. You want to be worshiped forever, don't you? For half the cycle you yourself are worthy of worship and for the other half the non-living images are worshipped.
Sacrifice behind love, what's the big deal...? *The people of the world get ready to give even their life for the sake of impure love. BapDada just says, just give the rubbish. Don't give good things, give rubbish. What is weakness, deficiency...? Isn't it rubbish...! Is it a big deal to sacrifice rubbish...? *The situation should end, the self-situation should become elevated. This is what they used to say, what to do if the situation was like this - then there should be no name of the situation that shakes you, let your self-situation be such a powerful one. *If the curtain of the end opens, what will everyone see...? Angels are shining. All the children should be seen shining. That is why the opening of the curtain has stopped now. The people of the world are shouting, open the curtains, open the curtains…. So, make your own plan. *They give you a ready made plan, otherwise many things happen. Make your plans with your courage. Apply the key of determination and you will definitely get success. You have a determined thought and BapDada is pleased. Wow children! Determined, but a little bit of carelessness gets mixed in the determination...!
No matter what happens..., give the matter to the Father and you keep smiling.
Those who say Baba (Father/God) from their heart, they easily receive happiness and power in their heart from Baba.
Neither useless words, nor useless deeds, nor useless company. Wasteful company also wastes time and energy.
Souls sing the praise of God, but you children are praised by God the Father Himself.
The more the time becomes critical, the more diseases will increase, won't it? If you take medicine, the disease comes again. So give such medicine, which does not have any name or trace of disease… That is meditation.
To be in love with the Supreme Soul Father means to be bodiless easily.
The way to stay in remembrance of the Supreme Soul Father is to forget mineness. Everything belongs to the Father. This body is also not yours, it belongs to the Father.