
By being constantly healthy, that is, by being constantly stable in the self, the suffering of the body becomes a thorn from a crucifix through karma yoga.  They play the suffering of karma considering it to be a game within the unlimited drama.  So the disease of the body has been transformed into yoga.  That's why always be healthy.  You don't consider illness to be a disease, but the burden of many births is lightening, the accounts are being settled - by understanding this, you always feel healthy - and at the same time, you always have happiness in your mind.  To be Manmanabhav means to be full of the treasure of happiness.

A Master ( His Special performance)

The master must have the power to mold himself.  The one who mold is the gold.  Those who cannot mold are not real gold, they are mixes...!  To be mixed means to ride a horse.  Master mold.  A master - one who is full of all virtues, that is, full of all virtues, all arts and all specialties - if one or two arts are less, then not all arts are complete.  If you don't have all the virtues, you go out of the title of a master.

Love of God

 Why do you find it easy to live with the Father?  Because the love of the heart is unbreakable.  Being in love is easy.  It is also lovely to get a hint of some education from the one who is loved and it is always felt in the heart that whatever was said was said for my welfare.  Because the heart has a great feeling towards him.  So just as you have a superior feeling towards them in your heart, similarly the return of your good feeling is received by others as well.  Just like you make a sound in a dome, it comes back to you.  So, just as there is unbroken, unbroken, unshakable love for the Father, elevated feelings, and the faith that such Brahmin souls, despite being number wise, soul love is unbroken, unbroken...?  Variety practices, love to see variety sanskars - it is not unbroken and unbroken.  If the behavior of any soul towards itself or towards others, that is, character or sanskars (reformations),  is not liked by the heart, then the percentage of love decreases.

But spiritual love of the soul with the feeling of the elevated soul does not have a percentage in it.  Whatever may be the rites and practices, but Brahmin souls have an unbreakable relationship throughout the entire cycle, they are the Godly family.  The Father has selected each soul in a special way and brought it into the divine family.  You have not come on your own, the Father has brought you.  So, by keeping the Father in front, you also get spiritual unbreakable love from every soul.  If you do not like anything about any soul, then only the difference in love comes.  At that time, keep this in your intellects that this soul has been liked by the Father.

Baba (God) always wants every child to become Mayajit, Prakritijit, Karmendriyajit, , Vikramajit, Manjeet, Jagatjit).  So the one who is loved, whatever he wants, that is what is done, isn't it?  Do you love your father?  Do it  When you remember that this is what the Father wants from me, you will automatically become powerful and you will become conquerors of illusion.  Maya only comes when you become weak.  Therefore, always become a master almighty authority.

Now it is necessary to change the vibrations through the power of the mind, to change the atmosphere.  This will not happen by hearing or narrating, but the good wishes of your mind can change the attitude, vision and actions of human beings.

To be continuing...

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