Man..., The Father (Supreme Soul) is also called the true emperor. They don't say Patshah in English, they only say true father in that. It is said that God the Father is truth.  It is only in Bharat that they say that there is a true emperor. Now there is a lot of difference, they only tell the truth, teach the truth, make you truthful. Here it is said that they make you a true emperor and also make you the emperor of the land of truth. This is definitely true - He gives liberation as well as liberation-in-life, which is called the fruit of devotion.

Many names are given to Shiv Baba as well. If you tell someone that his name is Shiv Baba, you would say that we call him the Master. The master is fine, but his name is also needed, isn't it? There is nothing separate from name and form. He also becomes the master of something, doesn't he?  There is definitely name and form.  You children now know that the Father definitely liberates and then everyone definitely has to go to the land of peace.

Sikhs sing - "If you wash your clothes soiled with urine..." then everything becomes dirty. Whom do they not condemn? Whatever it is, they will definitely be called so.  A thief will be called a thief. There is a lot of explanation written in the scriptures as well. Guru Nanak has praised the Supreme Father Supreme Soul. They say Jaap Saheb, Sukhmani... The Father says remember Me.  There must be so much happiness if you get that thing which you have remembered for half the cycle...! But happiness is also experienced by those who consider themselves to be souls every moment.  If you understand yourself to be a soul, you will have love for the Father. The soul does not know at this time who is our father...!  If you don't know the occupation of the father, then you will call him an idiot.  Tells the story of Prahlad, came out of the pillar to take revenge..., but where is God, address is not even known...! You children now know.

 This is an extremely big machinery. It is sung, wash the dirty clothes... It is not about these clothes, it is about the body. Souls have to be washed with the power of yoga.  At this time all the five elements are Tamopradhan, so the body also becomes like this. The Father, the Purifier, comes and makes you pure.  You know how to become pure, the path is shown in a very easy way.

 In the future, you will rule in the viceless divine world. There will also be human beings, but they will be those with divine qualities. At this time, human beings are impure with demonic qualities. Guru Nanak has also said to wash clothes soiled with urine..., Guru Nanak also praises the Father (the incorporeal Supreme Soul Shiva).

 They understand the book - it is like the body of Guru Govind. They give so much respect to the book. This is the body of the Guru. Such Sikh people understand. But Guru Nanak did not sit and write the book, Nanak took an incarnation. Sikh people increased, later those texts etc. Were written.  One by one they have been coming back to the Sikh religion. Earlier, the book was also written in such a small hand.  Now it is understood for the sake of Gita, this is the form of Krishna. Believe that Krishna's Gita has been sung like Nanak's book.  Krishna keeps on saying God's words.  This is called ignorance.  Knowledge is only in the one Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul.  Salvation takes place only through the Gita.  Only the Father has that knowledge.

By remembering the Father, the scar on your soul will be removed. Those people say Japa Saheb ko..., Saheb's glory is also there.  Ekoankar Sat Naam, Akal Murt.  Now who is immortal?  It is said that Satguru Akal.  Soul is immortal, isn't it?  Death could never eat them.  The soul has been given a part, so it has to play its part. How will death eat them...!  can eat the body. The soul is immortal.

You should ask yourself, how much do I study, what will I become in future birth after birth?  What you become in birth after birth, you will become in cycle after cycle... That's why full attention should be paid to studies.  In the Golden Age, it would not be said to wash the clothes stained with urine.  At this time everyone's clothes are rotten.  They are Tamopradhan, aren't they? This is also a matter of explaining.  Whose cloak is the oldest?  Our. We keep changing this body.  The soul goes on becoming impure.  The body also becomes impure and old.  The body has to be changed.  The soul will not change. The body has become old, death has happened - this is also a drama.  Everyone has a part.  Soul is imperishable.  The soul itself says: I leave my body.  You have to become soul conscious.  All human beings are body conscious.  For half the cycle they are body conscious and for half the cycle they are soul conscious.  Because of being soul conscious, the Golden Age deities have received the title of conquerors… because there they think that they are souls and that they now have to leave this body and take another.

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