

Love means - where there is no demand, only giving. Because *where there is demand, there is no love, there is only bargaining.* Where there is demand, there cannot be love at all, because there is transaction and if this transaction goes even a little wrong, then what we  What was thought to be love turns into hatred.

 Shiv Baba (Supreme Soul) can only teach us, give us co-operation and strength, but only we children have to have the courage to study. Make your own decisions and make effort, because it is only us children who have to do it.

Go on surrendering everything. Don't keep anything with you. It will not be easy to give up whatever is left with you.  And what remains is what you think about the most. Whatever thing comes to your mind, you start surrendering to it, you don't turn it around after thinking.... then it cannot stay with you. Then it becomes the responsibility of the Supreme Soul Father to take him back.

Therefore, no matter how someone is, I do not think.  No matter what the problem is.  I do as much as I can... I surrender the rest, leave it!

 It is singing, vibrations spread through instinct, and atmosphere is created through it... and atmosphere shows its effect.

Because as much as you do “Tera-Tera” with your mind and intellect, automatically the vibes of “Tera Tera” will be there.  She will do her work.  That vibration works.

 And when you say "hi-hi", then those vibrations also spread in the same way.

  *"Hi-Hi" means - heavy thoughts, that is, don't know, don't know thoughts. *Then again the same vibration spreads, and the same work is done.

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